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galerie / depositphotos / Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups

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Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups, vintage cup of hot tea in knitted cup holder, cinnamon sticks and sugar powder over table with white tablecloth with Christmas decor at background. Square image
- Poids : 299,81 Ko
- Dimensions : 500 x 500
- Visitée : 21435 fois
- Mis en favoris : 0 fois
- Note moyenne :
(0,0 - 0 vote) - Ajoutée le : 2016-11-23
- Ajoutée par : ronan
- Créée le : 2015-10-14
Informations IPTC
- Mots-clés : christmas, tea, cookies, food, cookie, cup, homemade, background, white, winter, sweet, holiday, dessert, xmas, decoration, gift, sugar, cinnamon, snack, delicious, cake, celebration, gingerbread, traditional, drink, baked, pastry, anise, table, star, shape, spices, biscuit, tree, decor, hot, seasonal, festive, beverage, mug, powder, cutting board, cutter, spoon, tablecloth, square
- Date de création : 20151014
- Auteurs : Natasha Breen
- Titre : Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups
- Description : Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups, vintage cup of hot tea in knitted cup holder, cinnamon sticks and sugar powder over table with white tablecloth with Christmas decor at background. Square image
Informations XMP
- Auteurs : Natasha Breen
- Description : Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups, vintage cup of hot tea in knitted cup holder, cinnamon sticks and sugar powder over table with white tablecloth with Christmas decor at background. Square image
- Titre : Shortbread Christmas cookies for cups