Images de la galerie prises avec un appareil photo de marque Canon
galerie / depositphotos / Depositphotos 37299455 s-2015

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Sarzana, Italy - September 28, 2013: commemorative and historical fest of the Napoleonic Wars which is celebrated every two years in the medieval town of Sarzana, Liguria Italy. It is called Sarzana Napoleon festival
- Poids : 275,05 Ko
- Dimensions : 333 x 500
- Visitée : 4593 fois
- Mis en favoris : 0 fois
- Note moyenne :
(0,0 - 0 vote) - Ajoutée le : 2016-04-12
- Ajoutée par : ronan
- Créée le : 2013-09-28
Informations IPTC
- Mots-clés : Sarzana, Napoleon III, Napoleon Bonaparte, Music Festival, Traditional Festival, France, Italy, War, Harassment, Medieval, Memorial, Military Invasion, Celebration, commemorative
- Date de création : 20130928
- Description : Sarzana, Italy - September 28, 2013: commemorative and historical fest of the Napoleonic Wars which is celebrated every two years in the medieval town of Sarzana, Liguria Italy. It is called Sarzana Napoleon festival