Images de la galerie liées au tag professional
galerie / depositphotos / Depositphotos 69202185 m-2015
Lien vers l'image
Portrait of young brunette hair businessman sitting in a coffee shop reading a newspaper looking concentrated, handsome business man holding open newspaper sitting in cafe
- Poids : 381,81 Ko
- Dimensions : 467 x 700
- Visitée : 11870 fois
- Mis en favoris : 0 fois
- Note moyenne :
(0,0 - 0 vote) - Ajoutée le : 2015-10-21
- Ajoutée par : ronan
- Créée le : 2015-02-11
Informations EXIF
- Marque : Canon
- Modèle : Canon EOS 5D Mark III
- Date et heure de la prise de vue : 2015-02-11
- Flash : Flash non déclenché, mode forcé
- Ouverture : f/2
- Durée d'exposition : 1/160 s
- Longueur de focale : 50 mm
Informations IPTC
- Mots-clés : business and finance, business man, intelligent, smart, confident, analyst, financial, analyzing, information, economics, article, mass media, informed, entrepreneur, wealthy man, successful, freelance, diplomatic, moneymaker, business advertising, reading newspaper, serious, purpose, businessperson, latest news, executive, young, read, people, elegant, male, caucasian, glasses, men, eyeglasses, success, eyewear, friendly, restaurant table, breakfast, cup of coffee, outdoors, elegant man in suit, morning time, work concept, clever, city, wealth, professional, reading
- Date de création : 20150211
- Description : Portrait of young brunette hair businessman sitting in a coffee shop reading a newspaper looking concentrated, handsome business man holding open newspaper sitting in cafe
Informations XMP
- Description : Portrait of young brunette hair businessman sitting in a coffee shop reading a newspaper looking concentrated, handsome business man holding open newspaper sitting in cafe